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<b>kate417</b>; <font style='font-family: Arial; font-size: 8pt;'><b>kingsford, nsw</b>; last active: <b>19-Jul-2013</b></font> kate417; kingsford, nsw; last active: 19-Jul-2013  
Fully furnished Room in Bright and Clean Apartment, Kingsford
Household Details
Household age range:        18-25
Household gender:   F
People in household:   Just me
Smokers in household:   No
Household diet:   No special diet
Household relationships:   Not Important
Household disposition:   Not Important
Pets:   Dont have any
Children:   No
Detailed Description
- Fully furnished room in a clean and bright apartment - 10 minute walk to shops and restaurants at either Kingsford or Maroubra Junction - 20 minute walk to UNSW or 4 minutes on a bus - Frequent busses to the CBD, circular quay and Bondi Junction at all hours - The room is furnished with a super comfortable Queen sized bed, built-in wardrobe and desk. Can be unfurnished if preferred. - Access to a fully decked-out kitchen, lounge and dining area, and washing machine - Sharing with a friendly 3rd yr uni student who is tidy, social and easy going :)
Room Location
Suburb: Kingsford
State: NSW
Postcode: 2032
Country: Australia
Room Details
Weekly Rent ($) 260.00
Date available 01-Aug-2013
Type of accomodation Apartment
Is bond required? 2 weeks
What is the period of lease? Dont Care
Is the room furnished? Yes
Private bathroom? No
Private bedroom? Yes
Walking distance to public transport? Close
Flatmate Preferences
Age Preference: 18-25
Gender Preference: F
Would you accept smokers?: No
Would you accept pets?: No


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This site provides services associated with shared accommodation, share accommodation in sydney, share accomodation in melbourne, roommates, share homes, share houses, share housing, roomate finder services, rooms for rent, and helps with finding student accommodation. Useful keywords include share, accommodation, rooms for rent, shared accomodation, accommodation sharing, flatmate, share apartment, accomodation, share flats and real estate.

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